10 Years of Throwback - From Rowing Studio to Field Days
Throwback Fitness Throwback Fitness

10 Years of Throwback - From Rowing Studio to Field Days

This Spring marks the 10-year anniversary of when Throwback opened its doors as a group fitness studio in NYC. When we first created a business plan, the brand concept was a rowing studio at its core. Our tagline was ‘Old School Fitness’

Over the last ten years, we’ve been through many ups and downs, as all businesses do. We’ve also streered the company through a few total changes in direction.

We’ve changed our tagline from ‘Old School Fitness’ to ‘Old School Fun’ to reflect our current mission. That mission is to bring people together and create memorable experiences through friendly competition and fun. We accomplish this through a plethora of classic as well as original color war and field day games.

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Adult Field Days: Why Grown-Ups Need Playtime Too
Throwback Fitness Throwback Fitness

Adult Field Days: Why Grown-Ups Need Playtime Too

An afternoon devoted to nothing but playful competitions and unbridled joy was the epitome of childhood euphoria. The phrase "have a field day" has even become a colloquial expression used in everyday life.

Fast forward to adulthood and many of us have left those carefree moments behind. But bringing adult field day games into our lives can provide some truly valuable benefits that we could all use more of.

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