Your Company’s 2023 New Year's Resolution… More Team-Building Events!

Team building events can be a game-changer for corporations. These are our top 5 reasons why your company should be doing them in 2023:

  1. They boost morale: Every company wants to say they're a fun place to work, but how exciting is sitting through a meeting that's already gone past its end time? Or reformatting a PowerPoint presentation? A Throwback event breaks ups the office monotony by providing some experiences that employees will remember for weeks, months, and maybe even years to come. Get revenge on your boss by ganging up on them during a game of 'Bird's Nest'. Or enjoy bragging rights in the office by being crowned field day champion.

  2. They build community: A team building event provides opportunities for employees to interact with people they may not cross paths with frequently in the office. The interactions during a Throwback event are non-intimidating and fun. By breaking down communication barriers and breaking the ice during a lighthearted event, teammates will be more open to collaborating and communicating with their colleagues when the stakes are higher - such as a business negotiation or client pitch.

  3. They promote leadership and teamwork: A Throwback event provides opportunities for players to practice persuading a strategy and creating team cohesion. For example, delegating what cones players should search for during 'Clue Minefield' or developing a plan for offense versus defense in 'Capture the Flag'. This translates to building trust within the team, which can lead to more effective and efficient work when you are back in the office.

  4. They encourage creativity: Many Throwback games reward players and teams that think outside the box. For example, how can my team solve this 'Chain Reaction' puzzle by developing a thoughtful strategy and working together? This type of problem-solving is great practice for real-life scenarios at work!

  5. Low-cost, high ROI initiatives: A team-building event doesn't have to be an expensive offsite or a lavish party. Throwback events have a lower cost per person than your average team dinner or even bar night. And we'll make a strong case that a Throwback event accomplishes the 4 points above much better than dinners and drinks. Check out our private events page for testimonials and our Google reviews to see what your group will experience with a Throwback field day, virtual recess, or office play event.

Great team photo from a Throwback field day for Lemonade

A Throwback Field Day in photos


More Virtual Team Building Games